Yesterday's strictures against Karnataka by the Supreme Court in Cauvery case has "rubbed salt into the wound". Krishna Iyer, the most respected judge of the Supreme Court once said - Supreme Court is *not infallible*. It is Supreme because there is no scope for further appeal against its decision.
*Unquote* : It is infallible because the judges who are sitting over judgment are also human beings who are prone to emotions, feelings, idiosyncrasies, mental predilection, bias and whatever feelings a human being can experience. Of course application of human intellect in the delivery of justice is a quintessential element but to keep the judgement free from the above influence is the hardest thing. The fact that one of the judges in the bench was an advocate for Jayalalita for over 15 years only reinforces my above apprehension.
Yesterday's developments in the Supreme Court is nothing but *judicial tyranny*. It's an injustice delivered to Karnataka. Somehow there is a perceived feeling (which is difficult to negate) that Karnataka's lawyers have faltered in the case.
The kind of decision today's cabinet will going to take will be either historical one or a lackadaisical and lame duck one. Let us wait for that big moment with patience.
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