Friday, 30 September 2016

The last nail on the coffin

Supreme Court verdict to release water as per its earlier decision in Cauvery row is last nail on the coffin. Supreme Court has shown a brazen intolerance towards Karnataka and handled Tamilnadu with kid gloves. It has not bothered to hear Karnataka's plea at all. Instead it went on delivering its premeditated, preconceived and prejudiced orders. The verdict, even a layman understands were given not on merit, arguments or based on material furnished to it OR on principle of natural justice and smacks of utter disregard to the principles of jurisprudence. Because while there was no prayer from Tamilnadu to constitute Cauvery monitoring board it was ordered to form one and our impassionate plea to send technical committee to evaluate availability of water and then decide on the matter was just brushed aside and was not at all heard. The survival of crops in Tamilnadu was given priority and precedence over the lives of people of Karnataka. A clear case of biased and not an impartial judgment. It only confirms my apprehension expressed in my blog dated 15.09.2016 that judges too are human beings and are subjected to and are influenced by feelings and emotions.

Central government also has done its bit to rub salt into the wounds. It has also not acted with the conviction and commitment it should have and only completed formality. Also it has played spoilsport because there is an opposition government in the state. It has not demonstrated statesmanship when it is most required. Unfortunately petty politics has prevailed.
At the end of the day, we deserve this because we only have elected these people.

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